New Agent Appointed
After much deliberation we have decided to appoint agents to look after Shade Teck in the various market areas throughout Australia and New Zealand. The first of these to be appointed is for Queensland, where Whittackers have been looking after the curtain makers here since the start of October, where they are getting very good results.
Christmas Holidays
B.T.I. will close down for the Christmas break on the 22nd December 99, and will remain shut until the 17th January 2000. Provided of course that the Millennium Bug does not cause the world to go into terminal meltdown!.......and on that cheery note we would like to wish our customers and friends a Merry Christmas and a very happy and millennium bug free new year!
Stop Press!
Price Rises Imminent.
Due to the rises in the price of crude oil there is quite a few increases in the prices of plastics raw materials, and while our stock hold-ings have insulated us from price rises up to now, it looks like there will be an increase of 10 to 15% in the price of the cover strip only, in the near future.
Shade Teck will still be the cheapest Roman Blind sys- tem on the market by far.

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